I chose a flute I made from elm that is an F and is well tuned using an electronic tuner. Western folk flutes tend to use six fingers down a perfect fourth down, or fifth up as the key note. I could explain more if anyone is interested. Actual Hole Distances hole 1 starting at end of flute, hole 5 near the TSH Measurements taken from end of flute to center of finger hole 1 The flute also has good overblown notes. flutomat calculator

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I was more concerned with predicting hole placement so I would not waste the work I had done up to the point I burned or drilled a hole…in the wrong spot sometimes. NAFlutomat uses some equations that have approximations that are basically good, but become more inaccurate as you push the limits. I will be able to try this sometime next calculaator probably.

This web app is based on Pete Kosel's venerable Flutomat Javascript Flute Calculator - which in turn is based on the work of Arthur Benadea pioneer in the field of musical acoustics.

flutomat calculator

Please see the measurements below. NAFlutomat is not accurate enough to expect that the holes will end up with the diameters you entered, so you will have to adjust. The flute also has good overblown notes. Start small and sneak up flutoma the tuning. A note about making flutes from PVC pipe: This is where the skill of knowing when to stop, of undercutting comes in.

Please help me understand the Flutomat calculator – Flute Portal

I chose a flute I made from elm that is an F and is well tuned using an electronic tuner. I figured there may be someone on here who has figured out the right way to hold their tongue while entering the numbers and standing on one flutomatt.

If you use the basic functions by ignoring everything above the top hole bore length, TSH factorsyou will simplify things. April 13, at 2: Decimal places 0 1 2 3 4. April 7, at 4: Please, can someone tell me what Calculatof am missing? Thank you so much Mike.

April 8, at 1: It is a mystery….

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So what I call a C flute, others will think of as a G flute, etc. April 13, at 7: I have never used that. Sorry- wrong sound file. flutomag

You should learn which holes work and which ones need adjusting for your particular choices of bore diameters for the flute keys you are tuning. The TSH factors are useful if you have a particular sound flutmat design that you repeat for each flute. It has been some years since I have used the calculator, but I got decent results with it. Changing this quantity will only affect the position of the blow hole - not the other holes.

flutomat calculator

You may want to tune about 10 cents sharp, as the space in the closed finger holes will flatten the fundamental back down to in-tune. Don't worry - neither can Kokopelli! Joe, that is curious.


But, hopefully someone else will offer some insight. Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 of 9 total. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Actual Hole Distances hole 1 starting at end of flute, hole 5 near the TSH Measurements taken from end of flute to center of finger hole flutomzt


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